Attendance Matters!
At Sheddingdean the attendance level we strive for is 96%. We monitor attendance regularly and review this every half term.
Please can we kindly request the below is adhered to:
☺ You make your child's school attendance a priority.
☺ It is the parents/carers responsibility to contact the school to report each daily absence by 9.15am - tel 01444 246532
☺ If a child is absent in the morning and the school has not received an explanation by 9.15am, we will text home.
☺ Your child should return to school as soon as they are able to do so.
☺ If you have ANY concerns about attendance, or require any support please do not hesitate to speak to the school office, or Headteacher Mrs Riley . We are here to help and support in any way we can.
Please find further information via this link : WSCC Guidance on School Absences - Click HERE!