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Sheddingdean Community Primary School


Teachers assess what the children have learnt and can do in different ways so that we can plan learning which will help them reach their next steps.

Some assessment is informal and ongoing, this means that teaching staff observe, question and talk to the children in all areas of the curriculum  in order to build up a picture of what each child can do.  This informs what  type of learning opportunities the children need in order to make progress.

At the end of each term or unit of work, staff will assess whether learners have retained the key knowledge and skills they have been taught.  This is  more formal, and away from the point of learning.  It enables staff to  assess what the children have stored in their long term memory and if any learning needs to be revisited.

Below are the National Curriculum end of year expectations which outline the key skills that will be taught, and assessed.

YR End of year expectations

Y1 End of year expectations

Y2 End of year expectations

Y3 End of year expectations

Y4 End of year expectations

Y5 End of year expectations

Y6 End of year expectations