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Sheddingdean Community Primary School

Hot School Meals

A hot meals service is offered at school run by Chartwells.

Chartwells website

All pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free hot meal at lunch time.  You will need to order these through ParentPay for the meals your child would like.  If your child is in Years 3 to 6, you can also order and pay for a school meal through ParentPay.  You will need to contact the school office for your login details for this service.

Meals need to be ordered 10 days in advance, alternatively children may bring their own packed lunch. 

Parent Pay - Parent Login


Free school meals in all West Sussex maintained and free schools and academies are available to pupils in receipt of, or whose parents are in receipt of, one or more of the following benefits:

If you are not eligible for benefits-related, free school meals, but your child is currently in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, they will automatically be entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals and you need not apply. 

If you are eligible for benefits-related free school meals in accordance with the above criteria, and your child is also receiving Universal Infant Free School Meals, it is important that you continue to register. This will enable your child's school to claim valuable 'pupil premium' funding. This is additional grant the school can invest in, providing extra support for your child in school.

The number of children registered for free meals increases funding and we would very much appreciate parents registering their entitlement to free lunches even if they do not wish their child to receive a meal.  For further details, please contact the school office.


Playtime Snacks

Children in Reception to Year 2 are provided with a free healthy snack each day.

Children in Years 3 to Year 6 may bring a healthy snack to school, please note this should be fruit or vegetables only.

We do encourage pupils to drink water regularly throughout the day from their own filled (and named) water bottle from home.

Milk is available to order for all children aged 5+ at www.coolmilk.com.


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