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Sheddingdean Community Primary School


Ensuring the wellbeing of our children, staff and community is extremely important and is woven through our curriculum by our core school values curiosity, kindness, aspiration and self belief.  Children learn how to keep themselves safe and well through our PSHCE curriculum and we also promote wellbeing and how to access support through themed weeks such as Mental Health Awareness Week.

We follow a therapeutic approach to behaviour.   We understand that sometimes children may need support as a result of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).  We know that in order for children, and adults, to thrive they need to be a good place to learn and grow.

As a school we talk about wellbeing and encourage children to find strategies that work for them when they need to.  We have used 'Zones of Regulation' as a starting point to create our own bespoke tool, which supports children to identify their thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Our Mental Health First Aider is Sarah Watson (Assistant Head and Inclusion Lead)

Our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) is Graham Knight

We aim to be an accessible school for all and the door is always open if you have any worries regarding the mental health and wellbeing of your child. We will do our best to sign-post you in the best direction for support.

Please see the links below for further advice/support:

NSPCC Childrens' Mental Health

Young Minds Charity Advice for Parents

We are a Thought Full School