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Sheddingdean Community Primary School


￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿Give a child pencils, paper, paint and brushes and you teach her or him to sing! Art makes children￿ powerful￿￿ ￿Bob and Roberta Smith

    “I found I could say things with colour and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way- things I had no words for”    Georgia O’Keeffe



Art Curriculum



At Sheddingdean Primary School, our art curriculum aims to;

  • Inspire curiosity and discovery
  • Celebrate the creativity of themselves and others
  • Create doorways to different times and places to aspire new heights of self-expression
  • Foster self-belief and excite pupils so they become confident proud artists


We encourage our pupils:

  • To find their creative voice and confidently express themselves through learning and exploring a range of mediums and art forms
  •  We want our pupils to discover new ways to be creative!
  •  To learn how notable artists and designers from a wide range of cultures and diverse backgrounds have contributed and influenced our understanding of history and the world. We explore past and current key artists and the art forms and movements they pioneered which mark their place within history.
  • To take inspiration from key artists and movements studied to achieve success in their own artworks in their particular style. Our pupils respect different styles and contexts of artists and see that everyone can be an artist.
  • To value art and together pupils talk knowledgeably about their work and that of others having been equipped with the language of art and design.    

    “Creativity takes courage!” Henri Matisse